Thursday 12 September 2024

Thank yous

Thanks to Linda (of Linda's Book Bag) who invited me to 'stay in' with her to chat about my newest book 'Hope Never Knew Horizon'. She is such a generous hostess and this was so much fun - tea and bakewell tart and book chat... it doesn't get much better than that!

Thanks too, to Rosie Amber for her review of 'Hope Never Knew Horizon' - I feel blessed that such lovely people have said such good things about this wee book. Lots of blogger online reviews for this now. Thank you.

And Thanks to Shawn (of Shawn Breathes Books) and Lindy (of Lindy's Magpie Reads) - two Canadian book bloggers who invited me to chat with them about 'Blue Postcards'. This was such a fun thing to do and I am thrilled that it has now been hung up on their respective blogs for all to see.

Almost forgot to mention the wonderful Kaggsy (of Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings). She had already written some wonderful reviews of my work - one about 'Blue Postcards' and one about 'With or Without Angels'. She loved them both and thinks the writing is wonderful. Now she has read 'Hope Never Knew Horizon' and she thinks this is brilliant too!!! In fact, she is so very flattering about my work that I can't help blushing a little. Thankyou Kaggsy!!

Saturday 3 August 2024


Where to begin?!!! Lots of nice reviews online for Hope Never Knew Horizon

Susan Osborne of 'A Life in Books' thinks it's one of her books of 2024!!! Wow! High Praise indeed! Great review here:

Then the Historical Novel Society reviewed my book - this time Katherine Mezzacappa (see her book 'The Maiden of Florence')... another great review, she thinks the book 'extraordinary'... here:

Then Jackie Law at Never Imitate wrote another fantastic review... here:

And Joe Bedford wrote another positive review and posted it up here at Everybody's Reviewing:

Thanks so much to Susan, Katherine, Jackie and Joe. More reviews to follow!!!

Also, I did another wonderful ZOOM chat with Shawn (used to be Shawn The Book Maniac but is now renamed Shawn Breathes Books)... this time a three-way chat with Lindy of Lindy's Magpie Reads. And we were chatting about Blue Postcards which they'd read and both loved. This chat will be posted soon. Will keep you apprised of when exactly. But as a taster you can go to: 

And at timestamp 33.22 on Shawn's chat you can hear Shawn tell you a bit about what he thought of my wee book... he even coins a new adjective 'Brutonesque'... how cool is that! Thanks so much for this to Shawn and to Lindy too.

And Fairlight Books just sent me a first squint at the cover for Woman in Blue... delicious!! Will share this when I can.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Thursday 11 July 2024

Book news and book news!

So, I am still at the very early stages of doing promotion for my Taproot Press book, 'HOPE NEVER KNEW HORIZON'. It just got a great review by the Glasgow Herald where it was described as 'A book that glows with positivity, seeking out the magic and romance underlying the everyday'.  This was a book the idea for which arrived in the darkest days of Lockdown - I decided then that I wanted to write something with hope in it, something positive and nothing to do with the pandemic. It was just that thought for a long time till slowly the universe offered up full-of-hope stories for me to write.

Then today the Bookseller announced news about my next book, coming from Fairlight Books in early 2025. It is called 'WOMAN IN BLUE' and was inspired by Vermeer's wonderful painting, Woman in Blue Reading a Letter. This story came to me in a dream, or at least in the middle of the night when I woke up and it was still dark and I was somewhere between sleeping and waking, and the woman in the painting was talking to me... I put the bedside light on and made some notes in a notebook. And the whole thing was there and just needed to be written. I wasn't even looking for something new to write! And it will be a new book in February 2025!! Can't wait!

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Monday 1 July 2024


So I have received my first rating and review for 'Hope Never Knew Horizon' on Goodreads. It came from someone called Annie. She's already read four or five of my other books and consistently awarded them five stars and even reviewed the two most recent books ('Blue Postcards' and 'With or Without Angels') - lovely reviews btw. For 'Hope' she again thought it a five star read but it was her review that got my attention... just two words: 'Of course'!!! Annie now expects me to write five star work! That's something special. Thank you, Annie!

Tuesday 11 June 2024

So Looking Forward To This!!!!!

 Looking forward to this event in July. Victoria MacKenzie's book is amazing - can't wait to talk to her about Julian of Norwich!!! It would be good if you could come along!!! xxx

Tuesday 4 June 2024


 Last week I was at the opening of a new show at the Chelsea Arts Club in London. The work I was most interested in was the exhibition of the late Alan Smith's artwork 'The New World'. I had seen the work online and had been presented with an A4 portfolio of the work by Alan Smith's widow, Jill; but I'd never seen the whole work as Alan Smith had intended it to be seen (full-size). I was invited to the opening, which I was thrilled about. Met some lovely people there and was just a little overwhelmed. 

But I was also invited to the event held five days later, a more intimate event to celebrate the work of Alan Smith; not only was I asked to come to this, but I was also asked to speak and to do a reading from my wee book 'WITH OR WITHOUT ANGELS'. It was a fantastic day and afterwards we got to sit in the wonderful garden of the Chelsea Arts Club. A very special day indeed.

(Oh, and I met Tim Conrad who has turned my wee book into a filmscript!!!)