I have recently been writing under a pseudonym. I feel I have been forced into this. I entered a comp last year, throwing in 3 very strong pieces (two have won comps since (one a very a big comp) and the other was an unpublished winner from elsewhere and has since gone on to be highly commended). I entered them into a comp where I had done well several times before, always been on the shortlist and been on the podium twice. I bombed. It made no sense. This happens in entering comps, so I just shrugged. But then someone sent me an anonymous e-mail saying I was not being read by some comp judges... but every comp I had entered had duly accepted my entrance fees! So I felt I had to adopt a pseudonym if I was to be sure in my head that I was being judged fairly.
A writer called Benjamin Judge accepted some of my freely given pieces for a site he had set up. Then my pseudonym was unmasked and he presumed that my adoption of the pseudonym had a malicious intent. It did not. Even VG has written and subbed under a pseudonym before and her mentor AK and many others besides. I did so in order to be read and in order to save others from being targeted by an 'anonymous' person who seeks to undermine my successes at every turn: I had three stories accepted by 100 Stories For Haiti; these were subsequently pulled because someone threatened the editor that he/she would go to the publisher and inform them of my 'past' and so risk having the plug pulled on the whole charitable venture. Again freely given work, to do good only, and again the rug pulled out from under my feet.
Vanessa Gebbie, Jane Smith, and Tania Hershman have all at some time acknowledged that I am a writer with some ability, even some talent. The word 'gifted' has even been used. And yet I am forced to adopt a pseudonym to be read.
Someone on Benjamin Fudge's blog commented that I was a sociopath. This person is called Beebe Barksdale-Bruner. (A sociopath: someone who commits antisocial and sometimes violent acts against others and shows no guilt for the harm that they do. *(see below)) I do not know this person and she does not know me and clearly has not read my blog or any of my defence. Calling a person a sociopath without appreciating the sensibilities of the person and without any consideration of the impact of that act of calling, does, it seems to me, rather epitomise what a sociopath is. I hope Beebe stumbles along here and sees the sense of what I am saying. I bear her no malice.
I have apologised to VG and JS and to TH. I apologise to Benjamin Judge and to anyone else I have hurt or who feels let down because of me... but in what I did, including the posting under a pseudonym, I do not admit any wrong-doing. I have asked for a definition of what plagiarism is and what it is not. I have pointed to how writers going back to Shakespeare and coming right up to date with VG have taken from other writers and shown how I simply fit into this process. I have resolved not to write in this way again (without any admission of guilt in what I did, save that I am sorry for any hurt caused). If Benjamin Judge or anyone else can suggest how I might now go on being a writer and having my work seen and read, I would appreciate it, because I am a writer and worth being read... after all Benjamin Judge, you posted several of my pieces and thought they were good.
* This definition is written in my own words, but it conforms in general to what can be found in a standard dictionary. Online dictionaries sometimes refer you to the word Psychopath as they are related in meaning.