Last night I attended another Pentland
Writers’ Group airing in Carlops village hall. It’s a nice comfortable venue
and these evenings usually prove to be very entertaining. But last night must
have been one of the best yet. For a nominal charge the packed audience was
treated to a free glass of wine, readings from current PWG members and music
and song from a brilliant trio called ‘Madge Wildfire’.
Highlights for me included a poem about
John Bellamy’s father and poems from Anita John. The bits between the readings
were witty and engaging and it was good to see that PWG was continuing in good
health. They have been going now for thirteen years and I am glad to have been
associated with the group in the past. Being there made me want to be part of
it all again.
The evening ended on an absolutely amazing
high note when ‘Madge Wildfire’ sent the audience home with stars, a fabulously
constructed medley of songs with ‘stars’ in the lyrics. If you get the chance, ‘Madge
Wildfire’ are not to be missed.
I can’t wait for the next PWG airing.