Sunday, 24 August 2014



They had 600 submissions for their Spring chapbook competition and so it was exciting to discover that I was on the shortlist and then one of seven finalists. Congratulations to the poet Sam Sax who ultimately rode out as winner and will have his chapbook published by Black Lawrence Press.

I submitted a collection of flash fiction under the title 'OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF BABES AND SUCKLINGS' - and I am very pleased that the collection had merit enough to earn a placing in the competition. It means I am on the right track with what I am doing - though I don't really want to be thought of as a flash fiction writer but rather as a writer of prose.


I have been writing loads of short stories this summer and am at work polishing these… but we returned to work this week so my head's in another place just now… trying to learn the names of all the new kids I have to teach! 

Other news, I have a third place in a good competition (can't say which yet), and I have a couple of stories on a shortlist somewhere, and a collection of my stories in the hands of an interested party (though I have been in this position before so will not yet be counting any chickens while they are still in their eggs).

Still, all of that feels good.