Sunday, 17 June 2018


I attended two classes in 2017 with the late Helen Lamb as the tutor. It was such a loss when she suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. She had shared with the class that she had just completed her first novel and was touting it round looking for a publisher. I am pleased to say that Helen's novel will be published sometime in 2018 and is called 'Three Kinds of Kissing'.

Helen was very encouraging to her students. I followed her advice and sent a novel I had completed out to four agents in Scotland. One came back almost immedately and agreed to represent me and now the novel will be published in time for Christmas this year. It would still be tucked away in a folder on my desktop if Helen had not expressed such urgency for me to 'get it out there now'.

Helen also encouraged me to send one of my pieces of shorter fiction out to 'New Writing Scotland' - an excellent showcase for writing. I again followed her advice and one of my short stories will appear there in August:

Teachers can be so important and so inspirational and so generous. And they live on in memory of the things they taught and the people they were - thank you to Helen.