Friday, 24 March 2023

An Evening at The Golden Hare, Edinburgh

On Wednesday 22nd March I did a book launch event for 'With or Without Angels' at the lovely Golden Hare Bookshop. I love doing these sorts of events. And I love the Golden Hare Bookshop. My job, as I see it, is to entertain the audience and to gently persuade them to buy a book or two (or three or four) and preferably one or two, or three or four, of my books.

'With or Without Angels' is quite a short book - a novella really, and so I did not want to say too much about what the book was about. So I sort of talked round the book and also did a 'plug' for my other books. I also did a couple of 'teaser' readings. The audience laughed and clapped and asked questions, so that felt like the first part of the job had been done. Then I was busy signing books and when I at last put my pen down and looked up the shop was empty and they were closing up. Lots of books sold - both 'With or Without Angels' and 'Blue Postcards' so that, I think, completed the job.

Plus I had a great time. 

Another book event to do on Monday 27th March. I really should do more of these events... think I have said that before!!!!

Thank you to the lovely ladies at The Golden Hare Bookshop - they do such a great job and made me feel so very welcome.

Sunday, 5 March 2023

Someone called Annie...

Someone called Annie just reviewed 'With or Without Angels' on Goodreads. Here's her review, brief and really quite wonderful!!!

"Art, air, age, angels. Beautiful writing.: