So, in my last post I said I had one more project in my head - the last of three. It will need a wee bit more research before I feel ready to embark on it, but meantime another wee project has popped into my head and I have started writing this... 6000 words in already!!!!
But then I am interrupted today by an email from a publisher. This publisher, hearing I had just finished two projects had asked if they might see them. So I sent them off. And today an email back from them to say they adored 'Hope Never Knew Horizon' and would be 'thrilled' to make me an offer and they were still reading 'Hand On My Heart' but expected they might make me a two-book deal offer!!!
'Hope Never Knew Horizon' - the writing was begun on April 1st; completed on April 7th; sent to a publisher on April 9th and here we are with a possible offer on April 12th!!!
I am understandably a little breathless.