More news - here's the link to the page of The Bookseller with news of my next book - to be published in March/April of 2024 by the exciting Taproot Press.
Douglas Bruton was a teacher at a high school near Edinburgh in Scotland. Now he is retired. He graduated from the University of Aberdeen with honours in English and Philosophy. But it was later, at Edinburgh College of Art, that he discovered he could write. He has been writing ever since. He has a children's novel published and in December 2018 he will have a grown up's book published.
More news - here's the link to the page of The Bookseller with news of my next book - to be published in March/April of 2024 by the exciting Taproot Press.
So the news that is so overwhelming: Below is a little of how I am feeling inside... cos someone just took out an option on one of my novels, an option to make it into a TV/Film thingy... someone's already writing a script and there are industry professionals involved and talk of who might appear in the TV/Film thingy!!!! Still at the early stage so am trying to keep things cool and calm on the outside... but on the inside that's me below!!!