Saturday 3 August 2024


Where to begin?!!! Lots of nice reviews online for Hope Never Knew Horizon

Susan Osborne of 'A Life in Books' thinks it's one of her books of 2024!!! Wow! High Praise indeed! Great review here:

Then the Historical Novel Society reviewed my book - this time Katherine Mezzacappa (see her book 'The Maiden of Florence')... another great review, she thinks the book 'extraordinary'... here:

Then Jackie Law at Never Imitate wrote another fantastic review... here:

And Joe Bedford wrote another positive review and posted it up here at Everybody's Reviewing:

Thanks so much to Susan, Katherine, Jackie and Joe. More reviews to follow!!!

Also, I did another wonderful ZOOM chat with Shawn (used to be Shawn The Book Maniac but is now renamed Shawn Breathes Books)... this time a three-way chat with Lindy of Lindy's Magpie Reads. And we were chatting about Blue Postcards which they'd read and both loved. This chat will be posted soon. Will keep you apprised of when exactly. But as a taster you can go to: 

And at timestamp 33.22 on Shawn's chat you can hear Shawn tell you a bit about what he thought of my wee book... he even coins a new adjective 'Brutonesque'... how cool is that! Thanks so much for this to Shawn and to Lindy too.

And Fairlight Books just sent me a first squint at the cover for Woman in Blue... delicious!! Will share this when I can.