This year is only just begun and yet so much on my plate, so many wonderful things.
First - I have a new project rattling around in my head (alongside the seven other projects that are taking shape!). That always feels good, especially when I wake thinking about it and I sit up and scribble my thoughts down in a yellow notebook.
Second - 'WOMAN IN BLUE', although not offically published until February 20th, has already been sent out to early readers for review and some of the reviews have been wonderfully good. See Net Galley and Goodreads for a flavour of the book. I have several bookish events lined up to start the promotion of this book - though my head is also still with last year's publication 'HOPE NEVER KNEW HORIZON'.
And thirdly - and the real reason for this post - this week, Victoria at 'Tales From the Reading Room' posted up her review of 'HOPE'. I already knew it was going to be a positive review as Victoria had selected it as one of her books of the year. But the review she produced is not only detailed and thorough, but is also stunning and quite took my breath away. I am so grateful to Victoria and all the book bloggers who have said such wonderful things about 'Hope' over these past nine months - the book holds a very special place in my heart and I am so thrilled that people like it as much as they do.