Sunday, 26 January 2025

One-Star Reviews

I was speaking to a fellow author recently. She has written a fabulous and a very interesting book. It got onto some prestigious prize lists. It was reviewed positively in big publications. I read her book and it stays with me - and it is not too much to say that it has changed me. We strayed into talking about reviews - not just the big reviews in newspapers and literary magazines, but the ones online. It seems that this person's book had received some negative reviews in these online places - one-star reviews that were highly critical and even a little personal. This fellow writer no longer reads reviews of her work - online reviews especially. For her own good mental health, she explained, she avoids confronting them. 

When a writer pours themself into a book - maybe over years... hours and weeks and months of hard work sitting alone at a desk, and the heart and soul is emptied onto the page, then a one-star review can be hard to swallow. Can feel like a hard stone thrown or the slash of a sharp knife. I get that. But what about all the great reviews of her book that she is then also missing?

I have said here before how I used to enter short story competitions - sometimes as many as sixty in a year. Some of the stories did extraordinarily well - I say that having been a short story competition judge and knowing how hard it is to think of stories as better or worse than each other, to put them into some sort of order. I recall that when a story of mine won a competition - even a big competition - I was elated and remained elated for maybe three hours; whenever a story did not even reach the longlist, when a story of mine, as they say, bombed, I was devastated for days. I had a 40% hit rate with short story competitions, which is, I am told, very high. I have won dozens of competitions and been on the podium for dozens more. But in reality a 40% hit rate means that 60% of the time I was not doing well - and that's a lot of hard and devastating days.

It goes with the territory. Putting a short story or a book out there, into the world, is always a risk - the risk is that someone will love it to the moon and back, or hate it and want to shit all over it. I can understand this fellow writer not reading any of her reviews - it can be hard.

Today my new book - WOMAN IN BLUE - got its first one-star review... in amongst some pretty wonderful five-star and four-star reviews. Indeed the book, not even released until the end of next month, has predominantly reaped five and four-star reviews and plenty of them, so that this one-star review looks like an outlier. But still!

A writer should not write to be loved. A writer writes because he/she is driven to it. Not just one book but another and another. A writer writes to be read and hopefully for people to find what they have to say interesting or relevant or important. To be read is the thing. And so I am grateful to that one-star reviewer as much as I am to the four-star and fiver-star reviewers - for reading my new book. I thank them for that. I am sorry that they did not like what I wrote and I hope the next book they read gives them what they are looking for. 

There. That feels better and feels real and feels like me; and it also makes me feel less devastated. Writers have to learn this lesson, I think.

Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Tales From The Reading Room

 This year is only just begun and yet so much on my plate, so many wonderful things. 

First - I have a new project rattling around in my head (alongside the seven other projects that are taking shape!). That always feels good, especially when I wake thinking about it and I sit up and scribble my thoughts down in a yellow notebook.

Second - 'WOMAN IN BLUE', although not offically published until February 20th, has already been sent out to early readers for review and some of the reviews have been wonderfully good. See Net Galley and Goodreads for a flavour of the book. I have several bookish events lined up to start the promotion of this book - though my head is also still with last year's publication 'HOPE NEVER KNEW HORIZON'.

And thirdly - and the real reason for this post - this week, Victoria at 'Tales From the Reading Room' posted up her review of 'HOPE'. I already knew it was going to be a positive review as Victoria had selected it as one of her books of the year. But the review she produced is not only detailed and thorough, but is also stunning and quite took my breath away. I am so grateful to Victoria and all the book bloggers who have said such wonderful things about 'Hope' over these past nine months - the book holds a very special place in my heart and I am so thrilled that people like it as much as they do.

Friday, 20 December 2024

My Books Have Made it onto a Few Lists!!!!

It's that time of year when bookbloggers begin to reflect on the reading they have done over the course of the year. Some tackle the impossible task (for me it seems impossible) of listing the books they esteem the most. I am thrilled to find my books sneaking onto a few of these lists. These are good book bloggers and they read a lot and they read a lot of great books so this is a supreme honour and my thanks go out to them not least because it might nudge someone else to search out my books and to read them for themselves.

First off is Susan Osborne at 'A Life in Books'. She had earlier blogged about "Hope Never Knew Horizon' and I was aware that she really liked the book. It made her list of top twenty or so books of the year. But better than that she has now listed it as one of the top three books she read in 2024!!!! And that is just amazing. Thank you, Susan.

Another book reader, this time on instagram, earlier in the year read 'Blue Postcards' and 'With or Without Angels' and he said enough to tell me that he really enjoyed both books. Well, you could knock me down with a feather, because Bob of Bobsphere has listed 'Blue Postcards' as one of his top ten books of the year. That's a badge of honour well worth wearing.

And then today, Victoria Best, who blogs at 'Tales From The Reading Room' has posted her list of best books of the year and 'Hope Never Knew Horizon' is there as her best Literary Fiction read of the year! I look forward to her review of the book coming between Christmas and New Year, but she says already that the book is 'gorgeous' and 'stunning'. All good to know Victoria, thanks.

Sunday, 15 December 2024



This is my next book - out in late February 2025. It's already available through Net Galley and so reviews are beginning to trickle in. I'm still promoting the last book ('Hope Never Knew Horizon') so this feels a little surreal to be turning my attention to the next. But already have arranged two book talk events to launch 'WOMAN IN BLUE' and several book signing appearances. And a lovely book blogger called Susan who loved this book, and who has loved all the books of mine that she has read ('Hope Never Knew Horizon' is one of her top three books for 2024 and she reads a lot of quality fiction!!!), has expressed the hope that I might have yet another book out in 2026!!!! Well, just to say I am working on a couple of things just now so we shall see what happens with them. xxxx

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Review of 'HOPE'

 I have had a lot of lovely online reviews for my wee book 'Hope Never Knew Horizon' and I am so grateful to those people who have said such wonderful things about my writing. Thrilled with these. And today another review is posted up - this one feels a little closer to home! Joanne Baird writes reviews on her blog portybelle... she's from Portobello in Edinburgh. The first crumpled and creased, black and white baby picture I have of myself was taken on the beach at Portobello... it's got my name pencilled on the back and it says '3 months' so may have been an August bank holiday or a weekend in mid-August.

Anyway, that's all by the by, except that it tells you why I am so delighted to get a five-star review from Joanne in Portobello. Thank you so much Joanne. xxxx

Thursday, 12 September 2024

Thank yous

Thanks to Linda (of Linda's Book Bag) who invited me to 'stay in' with her to chat about my newest book 'Hope Never Knew Horizon'. She is such a generous hostess and this was so much fun - tea and bakewell tart and book chat... it doesn't get much better than that!

Thanks too, to Rosie Amber for her review of 'Hope Never Knew Horizon' - I feel blessed that such lovely people have said such good things about this wee book. Lots of blogger online reviews for this now. Thank you.

And Thanks to Shawn (of Shawn Breathes Books) and Lindy (of Lindy's Magpie Reads) - two Canadian book bloggers who invited me to chat with them about 'Blue Postcards'. This was such a fun thing to do and I am thrilled that it has now been hung up on their respective blogs for all to see.

Almost forgot to mention the wonderful Kaggsy (of Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings). She had already written some wonderful reviews of my work - one about 'Blue Postcards' and one about 'With or Without Angels'. She loved them both and thinks the writing is wonderful. Now she has read 'Hope Never Knew Horizon' and she thinks this is brilliant too!!! In fact, she is so very flattering about my work that I can't help blushing a little. Thankyou Kaggsy!!

Saturday, 3 August 2024


Where to begin?!!! Lots of nice reviews online for Hope Never Knew Horizon

Susan Osborne of 'A Life in Books' thinks it's one of her books of 2024!!! Wow! High Praise indeed! Great review here:

Then the Historical Novel Society reviewed my book - this time Katherine Mezzacappa (see her book 'The Maiden of Florence')... another great review, she thinks the book 'extraordinary'... here:

Then Jackie Law at Never Imitate wrote another fantastic review... here:

And Joe Bedford wrote another positive review and posted it up here at Everybody's Reviewing:

Thanks so much to Susan, Katherine, Jackie and Joe. More reviews to follow!!!

Also, I did another wonderful ZOOM chat with Shawn (used to be Shawn The Book Maniac but is now renamed Shawn Breathes Books)... this time a three-way chat with Lindy of Lindy's Magpie Reads. And we were chatting about Blue Postcards which they'd read and both loved. This chat will be posted soon. Will keep you apprised of when exactly. But as a taster you can go to: 

And at timestamp 33.22 on Shawn's chat you can hear Shawn tell you a bit about what he thought of my wee book... he even coins a new adjective 'Brutonesque'... how cool is that! Thanks so much for this to Shawn and to Lindy too.

And Fairlight Books just sent me a first squint at the cover for Woman in Blue... delicious!! Will share this when I can.