Thursday 12 September 2024

Thank yous

Thanks to Linda (of Linda's Book Bag) who invited me to 'stay in' with her to chat about my newest book 'Hope Never Knew Horizon'. She is such a generous hostess and this was so much fun - tea and bakewell tart and book chat... it doesn't get much better than that!

Thanks too, to Rosie Amber for her review of 'Hope Never Knew Horizon' - I feel blessed that such lovely people have said such good things about this wee book. Lots of blogger online reviews for this now. Thank you.

And Thanks to Shawn (of Shawn Breathes Books) and Lindy (of Lindy's Magpie Reads) - two Canadian book bloggers who invited me to chat with them about 'Blue Postcards'. This was such a fun thing to do and I am thrilled that it has now been hung up on their respective blogs for all to see.

Almost forgot to mention the wonderful Kaggsy (of Kaggsy's Bookish Ramblings). She had already written some wonderful reviews of my work - one about 'Blue Postcards' and one about 'With or Without Angels'. She loved them both and thinks the writing is wonderful. Now she has read 'Hope Never Knew Horizon' and she thinks this is brilliant too!!! In fact, she is so very flattering about my work that I can't help blushing a little. Thankyou Kaggsy!!

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