Friday, 11 July 2008

To Be An Angel

The Fish Anthology 2008 went on sale this week. I have a story included: 'To Be An Angel' which was inspired by 'The Angel Project', an art installation that began life in the tower of London, was later expanded and moved to Perth in Australia, and post 9/11 it opened in Manhattan, New York. 'The Angel Project' presented those viewers who persevered with a 'real' experience of confronting angels. The angels were actors employed to be totally silent, and still, with strict instructions not to commune with the earthly customers. This was such an intriguing proposition that this story just begged to be written.


Vanessa Gebbie said...

It is a lovely story. Welcome to the blogosphere.

Douglas Bruton said...

How fitting that my first blog comment should be from you V. Thanks. Glad you liked the story. Of course, pre FW piece. Getting better all the time.


Julia Bohanna said...

A blog is perfect because it MAKES you write - if only because you want to put something up there, something you are proud blog on, my man.

Look forward to seeing all your news!

Douglas Bruton said...

And I just knew that Julia, you would provide my second blog comment.
Thanks... now all I need is some news to post...