Sunday, 23 November 2008

PUSHCART NOMINATION - and The Delinquent take a flash

'Blood Orange Review', who earlier in the year took my flash version of 'A Pebble From The River For Annie', have just given me a Pushcart Nomination... I don't know much about this, but think it must be quite good. It means a few more people will read the piece and I do like that.

And Jason and Jeremy from 'The Delinquent' have agreed to take one of my flashes for their magazine... so November definitely has more of a shine to it now.

Friday, 21 November 2008

Almost a Legend

Just found out I am second in this year's 'Legend Writing Award' with a storylength version of 'A Pebble From the River for Annie'... this was originally a flash fiction piece that has done quite well in at least two incarnations... and now the fuller story has some recognition.

And Vestal Review have taken a flash about my late dad... and that is so special.

Have bombed in a few comps this month, so was thinking November a bit grey... now it's a lot shinier.

Saturday, 1 November 2008

The Last Grand Illusion gets a nod from Bridport

First, a big congrats to Vanessa Gebbie for having one of her poems recognised by the judges at Bridport. Vanessa taking her first baby steps into poetry - and already making giant strides! Brilliant... and no surprise to me really.

And one of my stories gets a nod too - no prize but there on the shortlist: 'The Last Grand Illusion'. Something to be pleased about, I think.