Saturday, 1 November 2008

The Last Grand Illusion gets a nod from Bridport

First, a big congrats to Vanessa Gebbie for having one of her poems recognised by the judges at Bridport. Vanessa taking her first baby steps into poetry - and already making giant strides! Brilliant... and no surprise to me really.

And one of my stories gets a nod too - no prize but there on the shortlist: 'The Last Grand Illusion'. Something to be pleased about, I think.


Tania Hershman said...

Something to be mightily pleased about! A huge achievement, well done. (Never managed to get any nods from Bridport myself. Ah well, next year is another year!)

Douglas Bruton said...

Thanks Tania. Appreciate your positive comment.



Vanessa Gebbie said...

Absolutely. Many many congrats, fellow letter-writer!

Nik Perring said...

I'd be VERY pleased. Well done, Mr!

Douglas Bruton said...

Thanks V and Nik... it's good to have your congrats.

Best to you both


Nik Perring said...

And it's good to give them.
