Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Kathy Fish Fellowship - a flashy spot on the shortlist!

This received from Smokelong Quarterly... not a winner but quite neat to get a mention... and this for my flash fiction. You had to submit a folio of five flash fiction pieces. See my previous post about this type of writing!

Hi Douglas,

I just wanted to let you know that, although we ultimately selected Tara Laskowsi as our 2009 Fish Fellow, you were one of four other writers who made our final shortlist. We absolutely loved your writing and hope to stay in communication going forward. Thank you so much for applying and allowing us to read your excellent work.

Dave Clapper
SmokeLong Quarterly


Nik Perring said...

Hard luck, D - still, very cool though eh?


Douglas Bruton said...

Yes, Nik, with the emphasis on the 'very cool'...
