Saturday, 12 December 2009

It Feels Like Christmas!

Pleasanter news: First - Vanessa Gebbie describes my three flashes posted under the title 'The Mad Have The Loudest Voices' (see below) as 'fantastic writing'. This still means something to me that she can like my work.

Second - have just been informed that I have won the 'Southport Writers' Circle Short Story Competition' with a piece called 'The Boy Who Stayed At School' - inspired by seeing a black and white photograph of a woman taken shortly after the Aberfan mining disaster. "This is a beautifully written piece, characterised by restraint and subtlety... very impressive.' These are the judge's words, not mine. Full report and results will go up sometime this week.

Third - and a bit sad this too - I was in Borders book shop. The one I think of as mine. And of course it is closing down and the shelves are emptier than they used to be. But there, in the children's department, something I always dreamed of finding: my book on the shelf. My hand was shaking when I lifted it down to check that it really was there.

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