Tuesday, 30 March 2010


I was a member of The Pentland Writers' Group a couple of years back. It was my first venture into the adult world of writing and I learned a lot and it was fun. There were some very good writers in the group and we attracted some attention in the area. We wrote a play that was performed by the local community and reviewed by The Scotsman newspaper and it has since been printed and is available through Amazon.

As is the way of writing groups, they change. The success of PWG attracted new writers and the mix altered. That was fine, and as it should be. I left to find greater stimulation elsewhere. I have kept abreast of developments with the group and it is growing again.

This year marks their tenth anniversary as a group. They decided to run a writing competition to celebrate this milestone. I made a mental note of the details, but did not think to enter. There was an open adult section, a local writers' section, and a children's section. I was keen to see who would be there on the local podium. Then I received an e-mail invite to participate and after a rethink I thought maybe I should, to show support. Problem for me was that there was a theme that the story had to be written to: '10'. I didn't have anything to fit and I don't really like writing to themes, but the personal invite pushed me to do something. I wrote a piece called :'The Ten Loves of Lizzie Salt'. I liked the title and felt I could do something with the idea. I entered my piece into the open adult section (somehow it felt wrong to enter into the local writer section).

Today I received an e-mail to say I was the overall winner of the competition. I am so thrilled. The story is up on The Pentland Writers' Group web page. Congratulations to everyone who gets a mention for their work and many thanks to the Pentland Writers' Group for organising the competition.

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