Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Coming to the end of another academic year and time ahead (not too far ahead now) to recharge the batteries and to get down to a creative project of my own. What to do? Haven't written too many short stories this year,,, less than a handful. But have been working on the 'bigger' pieces. One children's novel completed; one full length adult novel completed; one novella length adult piece completed; and several other things begun. A few stories are beginning to make a noise in my head and there's another children's novel that needs attention. Maybe this summer will provide me with the time to do some of these things.

Recently some of my stories have found homes in nice places, including 'The Book Of Possible Loves' finding a home with Ether Books. Indeed, one of the team at Ether Books described my story as 'excellent', which is always nice to hear. Check it out if you want to see if excellent is quite right.

Oh, and I may not have mentioned in the previous two posts that I have a piece in the anthology 'New Sun Rising: Stories For Japan'. My piece is called 'Kimika And The Ants'. Check it out and all the other wonderful pieces of writing... and everything given freely by the artists and writers, everyone touched by the disaster in Japan a year ago and motivated by feelings of wanting to help in some way. Hope this helps.

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