Friday, 19 October 2012


Just saw on the BBC something of SNP's kick-off Party Political Broadcast for the move towards the big vote to separate Scotland from England. There was very little content beyond big Al announcing that we will all be thinking about the implications over the next few years (shouldn't it be a couple of years rather than a few?). The bigger part of the broadcast was a musical number... a classical rendition of 'Let's Work Together' with lots of advert-style shots of people smiling and playing and getting on.

Is it just me, or is this choice of song a little bit of an own goal by the SNP... 'United we stand, divided we fall... let's work together'! Divided from England we fall? Don't think that was what they were intending. Is this the level of things we can look forward to under a an SNP led drive towards nationalism? A bit botched I think. But it made me laugh...

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