Monday, 16 February 2015



The thing I like about the holiday we get in February is it comes as a complete surprise every time. This year we have a whole week and that's long enough I can get my head clear and I can think about getting some writing under my belt… like tending to this much neglected child that is my blog.

So, news to start with: I have had another piece accepted for a nice magazine printed here in Scotland; the print edition of HISSAC's first anthology is out and there's some very good writers in there; I have a piece up on the Talbot Rice Gallery's page, a story that was a response to a painting by Christopher Orr (see picture above) - there was a night of readings at the gallery earlier this month, the highlight of which was hearing Dilys Rose reading her piece called 'Fugue'; and I have written a handful of stories this year and all of them are already subbed into competitions or magazines.

And to top it all, I wrote a story today, a whole story. And that felt good. It's been in my head since before Christmas and I scribbled a few notes down back then and today it just came out complete. I like it when that happens.

And now I have updated the blog - sort of - and it's only Monday… six more holiday days to go.

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