Tuesday, 17 October 2017


Just to say that you can read a wee flash of mine here

It was winner in The Casket of Fictional Delights' annual flash fiction competition judged this year by Kit De Waal. I entered this competition for the same reason I enter all the competitions I enter - it is always a thrill for me to have someone read my work. I was so pleased to reach the shortlist and to have Kit read my piece and to then have her say such kind things about my craft. Thanks to her and to Joanna Sterling who runs 'Casket' and who also said some nice things about the story.

Congratulations to Neem Shah and Zoe Meager who also did well in this competition, and to all the others on the shortlist. You can read their pieces on the site.

At a later date you will be able to hear the pieces read by a real actor/actress. I will post a link here when that happens.

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