Friday, 19 February 2021


I have just finished the proofread of my new book and it has now been sent to the typesetter. It's called Blue Postcards. Proofreading meant going through it all again; it has been a while since I even thought about the book so that reading it this time was like reading a work by someone else - such a strange feeling but it seems to happen with all my writing... that feeling that it is not mine even though I once lived so intimately with it when it was being written... living sleeping breathing the ideas and the words and the characters.

Anyhoo - I am told we can expect pubication date to be in early July of this year so that is quite exciting. Maybe the pandemic will be under control by then and we can do some face-to-face publicity things.

I have written other things since writing Blue Postcards. Lots actually. I reckon I am averaging four projects a year just now. Ideas aplenty! Of course they won't all see the light of day - won't all be printed books, but I live in hope that some might. Have just sent the latest off to a competition so we'll see. 

Will keep you posted on the cover and any pre-publicity for Blue Postcards.

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