Just to say I have not entered any short story competitions since 2017/18... I was for a while entering comps using a pseudonym (Lindsay Fisher)... I did this to test the story without any baggage being attached to it. If I could have entered the stories anonymously I would have. Recently one of these stories that did well in a couple of comps was published online with my real name attached. This prompted someone to write to one of the comps and to cry 'plagiarism'. The comp admin person contacted me (as Lindsay Fisher) to ask what action they wanted me to take. I pointed out that the judge of their comp at the time of my entering their comp was informed at the time that I was the real writer and that L Fisher was a pseudonym... I have the email papertrail for this. Their records were checked and this was all given the ok by the comp admin person.
I can see how my using a pseudonym like this has caused this problem. I apologise for that.
I read today that someone else has spotted this anomally and is crying 'theft' all over again... on twitter. I do not know if this theft-crying person comes here anymore... they used to come here to accuse me of theft more than ten years ago... I am not a thief and this most recent example is not what this person thinks it is. Just thought I should post this here.
PS I have sent emails to this theft-crying person but I do not think she will respond or let her twitter friends know of the error.
PPS I stand corrected. The person has just now corrected their twitter account. Says they are happy to put that straight; just that. Nothing about the vitriol in their twitter posts or about jumping to the wrong conclusion; 'so easy to check'.. that's what was said in their post, but clearly they did not check sufficiently. And nothing about the vitriol in the comments responding to their posts. I am pleased that at least the twitter thread has been corrected and they were happy to do that - whatever that means.
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