Wednesday 5 October 2022

Annual HNS Conference

 On 3rd September I travelled down to Durham to be a part of the Historical Novel Society's Annual Conference. I was on their programme and after Emma Darwin's keynote opening speech, I delivered a talk to a a very warm wee audience. The talk  covered my two novels, 'Mrs Winchester's Gun Club' and 'Blue Postcards' and seems to have been very well received. One of the organisers sat in on my talk and described it afterwards as 'immersive' and 'inspirational' and 'brilliant'. Members of the audience also spoke positively of the talk afterwards - so that is a clue that I should be doing more of these events... and I will do more as part of the promotion of 'With or Without Angels' which is still on track to be published in Ferbruary 2023.


Lissa said...

You were brilliant, Douglas.I have just signed with Fairlight and your talk was one of the reasons why. Katherine Mezzacappa

Douglas Bruton said...

Wow - that is amazing Lissa (Katherine Mezzacappa). Btw I am so glad you liked my wee talk. It is so lovely when you drop a pebble into a pool of water and the ripples just spread out beyond what you could even imagine. I can't wait to read your published work. Many many congratulations to you. x