Friday, 8 August 2008

A little sparkle

August should be an interesting month... that was always going to be the case and already it has some sparkle. I have taken on an administrative role with Fiction Workhouse following the departure of the leading voice. Sad to see Vanessa depart, but hopefully to bigger and better things for her. She and I will continue to craft the Kafka's Aunt letters until we reach a conclusion.

Just discovered that I was placed second in The Interpreter's House short story competition with my story 'Paper Swans'. (That's the little sparkle)

Ahead lies the announcement of the winner of this year's Kelpies Prize. I get to be a writer at the Edinburgh Book Festival on the evening of 25th August where the Kelpies Prize will be awarded.

It's funny how writing can work. The things you expect to do well don't always, and the things you think a little incomplete and unpolished seem to shine... sometimes at least.

Doing some flash fiction inspired by colours at the moment, just to see where they go.

And revisiting some older, less recognised work... with new eyes and a big red pen... doing a teacher on myself.

All in the first week of the month.


Vanessa Gebbie said...

hey, congrats on the success, D. And I wonder if it is freshness that wins through, not too much tinkering??

Thank you SO much for being 'Lord High Executioner' on WH. I cant tell you how grateful I am. Safe in a few pairs of v steady hands...

Douglas Bruton said...

Thanks V for picking up on this... I know I can rely on you.

And difficult to get the balance... between tinkering too much and careful editing... and lifting what's fresh to something higher and still fresh somehow.

Still learning - and when I have all the answers then there'll be no more point to anything!


Vanessa Gebbie said...

I guess one of the skills is to identify what it is that makes your work 'fresh'... lifting that, shining a light on it... while moving the rest into the background, smoothing it out so it does its job and doesn't intrude.

Tania Hershman said...

Congratulations, Douglas! And best of luck at the helm of the workhouse, it is a great place, I know you will continue V's legacy of honesty and fairness - and no womaggy writing :)


Douglas Bruton said...

So right V, and so hard when it is your own writing you have to look at through not-rose specs.

Thanks for popping in Tania, and for your kind good wishes. Have heard so much about your writing and all your successes; haven't read anything yet, though. Looking forward to that.


C. J. Flood said...

Yo, D.

Thought I'd come check out your blog and it's looking pretty sparkly. You are on a role, sir, and I can't wait to find out about the Kelpies prize, I've got a good feeling in my waters about that one.

Fingers crossed...

Douglas Bruton said...

Thanks for popping by, Chelsey... sorry to hear you have feelings in your waters... there's a doctor you might want to see about that!

Thanks, too, for the vote of confidence... it's a strong sounding shortlist - I am just glad to be there. But, my fingers are crossed too - which makes this typing game a bit trickier than usual.
