Tuesday, 14 October 2008


My story, 'Barken Mad Sometimes', has just been posted on HISSAC's site and Clio Gray has said some more kind things about the story and the writing: Comparing it to Carver and Proulx. It's not enough that you win their competition, and they send you a very flattering e-mail to tell you, and then follow with a pretty certificate that says more nice things about your writing, and with a big fat cheque - not enough all that, but they then post up your story and say publicly some wonderful things about your writing.

Thanks to Clio Gray


Nik Perring said...

How cool! Congrats!


Sarah Hilary said...

Congratulations, Douglas, I'm green with envy. By the way, I tagged you for a meme because I love your blog. I'm a lurker. Feel free to ignore the meme.


Douglas Bruton said...

Thanks Nik. I appreciate you popping by.

Thanks Sarah, for the tag and the envy... ps I am a bit of a lurker around your site too... and they can't arrest you for it!!

Best to you both


Julia Bohanna said...

Wow Douglas. Now that it a quote to be kept and thrown on the back of your book(s)

I read the story took, which took risks and played with language to great effect.

A skilful wordsmith and a gentleman (except for the lurking - dear dear) How blessed you are!

Keep writing. But most of all, keep being you.............

Douglas Bruton said...

Dear Dear Julia

thank you for your oh so sweet words... I think there are things written by you that should go on the back of my first book.


C. J. Flood said...

Excellent news Douglas. You, my friend, are the real deal.

Hope you're celebrating x

Douglas Bruton said...

Not sure about the real deal Chelsey... but thanks for dropping by and dropping such a nice wee message of support.

Did have a wee celebration, for sure.