Sunday 26 July 2009


It's the moment you think can only be something that happens in a dream or to somebody else: the day your book comes through the door and your name is there on the front cover and there again on the spine and there yet again in the blurb on the back.

Wasn't expecting to see mine ever. Then when Floris agreed to publish this I was told to expect to see a copy around mid-August. The launch date is not until Sept 10th... so, getting a squint at it so soon is just fantastic.

Feels very strange, and wonderful, and like I am just dreaming.


Barb said...

What a magical moment. How wonderful to hold all that hard work in your hands. Congratulations.

Douglas Bruton said...

Not sure how you found your way here, Barb, but it's nice that you did. Thanks for the congrats... it was pretty great holding it in my hands... and something not quite real about it.

Not sure I would call the work I did hard or even work... I wrote it for my kids... a chapter at a time and then reading to them what I had written... made it lots of fun.

Thanks for popping by.


E.P. Chiew said...

Congratulations Doug! May I say it's a beautiful cover, and I look forward to getting hold of a copy to read!

Douglas Bruton said...

Thanks, Elaine. Yes, I wish I could take credit for the cover, too. I am very pleased with how it looks.

Hope the Hong Kong moves has gone off without too much hassle for you.

Best wishes


Peggy2 said...

Hi Douglas,

Just recieved an invite to your launch from Floris and am really looking forward to meeting you. I run the youth library service over in Fife so hopefully we can work together sometime. Many congrats on getting a book deal, it's no mean feat these days.

Douglas Bruton said...

Thanks, Maggie. I look forward to meeting you, too and maybe working with you sometime in the future. Best wishes
