Saturday, 20 April 2013


I am sitting alone just now, at my computer. The cat is alseep and the back door is open to let in the sun and the warmth of the day, and this is everything I wanted today for I have been at work on the completion of a project and I needed the peace and quiet of being alone to do it. Last night I wrote one chapter and today I have written the final three and so it is complete... another novel, and yesterday, just by chance, an email from an agent wanting already to see the new work. That feels good.

I have still to work on a novella I wrote last year and it needs some spit and polish, and its bootstaps pulled up, and its tie straightened. That is my next job, and the same agent wants to see that, too!

Anyway, I have come here just to yell and to say whoopee and to let the world know it is done... the work I have been penning for this past month (in between walking from one side of Scotland to the other and being back at work and getting the classes ready for their big exams)... yes, so it is done... the first draft at least... and now you know and it's not just me that knows.

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