Friday, 10 May 2013


So, you see something in the news and it upsets you and you want to do something to help, but you don't know what. You listen for charity organisations putting out the call and you respond by digging into your pockets. But you don't feel that is enough.

Then you read that some nice people are actually looking to do something. They want to put an anthology of stories and poems together and to sell it to raise money to help. It's a great idea. They want writers to donate their work. How could you not? So you get down to it and you put something together and you gift it to the cause.

Eventually there's an e-book and a little later a hold-in-the-hand book. You buy a copy for yourself and copies for all your friends and you hope that others do the same... there's work in the anthology that you like and so it is worth reading.

Then, quite out of ther blue, there's a bit of a surprise... the book wins a prize... the e-book that is. And it's a gold medal winner and that has to be a good thing... I do not mean for the writers, but for those who made the effort to put the project together and for those who still need the financial help that the sales of the book generate. I am so glad that this gift goes on giving.

Why not do your bit and get an award winning book for your trouble?

Oh and here's a link to the award page.

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