Monday, 21 July 2014

1000 words - something to read

After garnering some positive responses to my 8-Days of Ether submission, 'We Are Stardust', then the same piece being dubbed the winner for day 8, and one of those five star positives coming from Natalie Bowers and she said that some of the flashes submitted were just the standard of work she was looking to post up on her site '1000 words', well, I thought I ought to submit something.

What you have to do is write something inspired by one of the photographs on their site - and they have hundreds to choose from. So I had a quick squint, picked one, and set to the task of writing. Took me less than 50 minutes. Then I sent it straight off to Natalie and not only got a response within ten minutes but my piece was up there, too. That's quick - about an hour from nothing to publication!

If you want to look at what I wrote here's the link:

The piece is called 'Old Souls and New Souls'.


Wendy Booth Art said...

I love your story on 1000 words. It has lead me here to find out more about you and your work. Do you have any novels or collections published? I just need to read more!

Douglas Bruton said...

Dear Secret Blogger

Thank you for firstly reading my story up on 1000 words, and then for taking the time to comment. I am always pleased when someone 'loves' something I have written.

As for a collection or a novel, not yet in print I am afraid. Maybe one day… and when that hapens it will be all over this blog.

(I have a nove for children published called 'The Chess Piece Magician' - available in lots of places including Amazon… your children might enjoy it.

Thanks again.


Douglas Bruton said...

Of course I meant I have a novel (not a 'nove'!)

Douglas Bruton said...

Secret Blogger

I'm terrible at this self-promotion malarkey… should have said that I have a few things up on Ether Books… a couple of stories and a flash fiction. The Ether app is free to download and then you can get the stories on your phone or tablet or such. The two stories will cost you 69 pence I am afraid; the flash is free to download.