Monday, 14 July 2014


Ether Books is an online bookshop for short stories and articles. The app is free and then you can download stories direct to various appliances, including your phone. There are also a whole bunch of free stories for you to download - a whole bunch.

I have a couple of stories up there.

And, recently, they ran a flash fiction competition called ‘8 Days of Ether’. They posted a different theme each day for eight days and invited submissions. Writers had twenty-four hours to submit something before the next theme went up. Then Ether Books hung the stories up for free downloading, inviting comments and rating scores from all readers. Finally, to close the competition, they chose a winning story for each day and named the single story that had received the most downloads.

On day eight, I submitted a story. It received a number of five star reviews and comments were all very positive. My story was ultimately named as the winning story for Day 8. You can go to my stories on Ether Books and download it for free – it’s called ‘We Are Stardust’ (It did well in another competition: second place at ‘Flash 500’ some time ago).

I did also notice on Ether Books that I am now a recommended author and my status in this regard is ‘Gold’ – meaning that Ether Books think my stories are very good. There aren't too many gold status recommended authors, so it's nice to have that.

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