Sunday, 10 May 2009

The Chesspiece Magician News

The final edit is done. My final proof read is done. The cover is done. Already you can go onto Amazon (UK or USA or JAPAN!!) and preorder the book. There's some blurb there too that calls it Douglas Bruton's 'brilliant first novel'. Feels like they are writing about somebody else.

Now I have to wait until the publication date of September 10th... though I am told I should get an advance copy in August sometime.


Vanessa Gebbie said...

Many many congrats, D. Of course it is brilliant!

Douglas Bruton said...

Thanks, V, for the vote of confidence.


Nik Perring said...

Brilliant, brilliant! And what a terrific cover! Huge congrats from me!

Douglas Bruton said...

Thanks, Nik. Glad you like the cover. She's pretty dramatic, and colourful and pretty all at the same time. It's funny to see the words you wrote made into a picture.
Best of lcuk with your Pictures and Stories book just coming out. It's a great looking project and all for a good cause.


Nik Perring said...

Funny - and brilliant to see your words made into a picture!

And thanks for the good wishes with the Alzheimer's book.


CathM said...

OoooHhhhh... super stuff! Loads of CONGRATS to you on your achievement :)

Douglas Bruton said...

Thanks Cath. Appreciate you popping by and your good wishes.

This was something I wrote 13 years back... then tossed in a drawer. So it feels kinda strange to at last have it being something that others will read.

Strange and pretty thrilling too.


Caroline M Davies said...

The cover looks brilliant. I'm trying to resist the temptation to rush off and pre-order a copy.

Douglas Bruton said...

Thank you for dropping in Caroline... I appreciate your enthusiasm.


Julia Bohanna said...

That is a stunning cover Mr is so exciting!

Douglas Bruton said...

Thanks, Julia... have to admit that there is something very exciting and not a little unreal about this.

Have just seen the 'blurb' on the back cover of the book... describes it as 'Douglas Bruton's brilliant first novel'... can't believe it is even mine!!


Julia Bohanna said...

Should read 'The brilliant Bruton's brilliant first novel...'

Sod the repetition!

Douglas Bruton said...

Aw, thanks sweet Julia... you are so sweet.

(sod the repetition indeed!)


Sandy K. said...

Congratulations! How exciting! I have been working on a couple of my own writing projects for quite a while and it seems I will be old and gray before anything comes of them. You give me hope:)! Publication DOES happen!

Douglas Bruton said...

Sandy... thanks for popping by. Interesting to hear you have a couple of writing projects too. I wrote this book 13 years ago. Got a single knockback and threw it into a drawer... it was my son who suggested I dig it out and send it off... I'd read it to him when he was little... he's now 21 and he remembered it in great detail... so I put it in to a competition,,, and Bingo! Publication.

Don't give up on your projects.


Sandy K. said...

Doug - I am not giving up, just trying to prioritize:). Thanks for stopping by my own site and having some fun with color this week. It's quite an interesting challenge, and has stretched me a bit. That's a good thing!

I love when the children remember something from childhood. My daughter, who is 32 in a couple of weeks, called to chat the other day about something we did together. Warm fuzzy feelings - it's a rush.

Sarah Hilary said...

It looks terrific, Douglas! Congratulations!

Ken Brosky said...

Doug, good story on 322 review. I posted a link on my blog!


Douglas Bruton said...

Thanks for letting me know the story went up, Ken... I have been expecting it would but would maybe have missed this if you hadn't signposted it for me. Thanks too for drawing attention to it on your site... I very much appreciate your comment on the story.

Best of luck with your writing.