Saturday, 21 January 2012


Just had a story accepted by a nice magazine and just learned that another of my stories has had a good win - a story that belongs to my submissions for 2011 so is not in contravention of my resolution to enter fewer competitions in 2012.

In fact, I have not sent out a single story for 2012... by this time last year I had entered 4 comps... so I consider that an advancement. I'm still obsessively checking the thirteen comps waiting to declare from 2011's entries... but doing so less and less so that the notification of this week's win was a surprise and came out of the blue.

Am mostly keeping to the writing resolution and giving attention to bigger projects... have only written one short story since new year but have penned 10,000 words to a bigger project. Don't know how long I can keep this up. We'll see.

Must do more about sorting my stories into collections... I have enough for two good collections so far.

Hope the year is being good to the visitors that pop along here when I am not looking.

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