Sunday 28 July 2013


Have you ever entered a competition and when the results went up you checked the podium places and the highly commendeds and then skimmed the shortlist and longlist without any real heart? Yes, I've done that sometimes. And today I just happened to be looking over a well-past and very prestigious competition result, re-reading it actually, and lo!... there's me on the longlist and I never knew. Ok, so that's as far as I got this time... but it being such a good comp, I am sort of lifted that I did better than I thought I had.

And I am finding my way into good anthologies, and still scoring competition hits in good places and quieter places, too, and finding some of my pieces accepted into nice online magazines and print magazines, as well.

Am throwing out lots of stories at the moment, a real creative splurge. And perhaps because I am not working on a new novel at the moment, the stories seem to be coming quite easy... maybe even a little too easy? I shall have to send them out there and see how they do.

Yes, so it feels like everything is 'ticking over'... but is that enough? Do I want to shake things up a bit? Should I be working harder to get my work out there and read? Not getting any younger... these are the thoughts in my head.

Thanks for reading.

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