Sunday 1 May 2022

Edits done... and something else!!!!!

Just updating news on the new book out in February next year... have completed all the edits to the publisher's satisfaction (that means the advance is winging its way to the old bank account!). Proof reading will be the next task... sometime soon maybe.

Have got permission to use photogrpahs of all the artworks for the book.

Title has been approved.

Waiting for news of a cover.

(Oh, and this week I wrote something new - another wee book, but it is something that has been nagging at me for more than a year... nearer eighteen months... and I have thought about it and made notes on it and then parked it, not feeling quite ready... did this several times actually. Then, this week, when I should have been doing other things, it spilled out. I don't usually do drafts but this feels like a first drafted piece and I know there is still some research I need to do to tie it all up... but at least the whole thing has been thrown down on paper and can't be lost now.... that was four days well spent and I suddenly feel like a writer again.)

More to follow!!!

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