Friday, 22 April 2011


Was reading again Jonathan Lethem's article on 'The Ecstacy of Influence' and thinking again of this idea of the 'gift economy' as applied to the things we writers do. Still makes absolute sense, this does. You should check it out if you are serious with this writing game.

I entered a competition recently, one I have entered in the past and done well in. The person processing my entry recognised my name and thanked me for entering and said they were pleased that I had. Then the person said: 'Your stories are wonderful, and full of a rare wisdom.' How nice is that? To be read first of all, and to be remembered, and then to be thought well of, and wise! That's as good as getting a result in my book.

And it all goes to the idea of me, as a writer, gifting my stories to the world and hoping to be read and appreciated for what I have written and all the rest is just bullshit.

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