There’s gravel or sharp stones in his breath. He can hear the grating of them in his throat and his chest. It hurts when he coughs and he can taste blood in his mouth. Tastes blood in the spat curses he makes against the pain.
He has not risen from his bed today. Has slipped in and out of sleep. It is better when he sleeps. He is in another place then and the pain is far from him there.
Beside his bed is a jug of water and a glass that is half full. A plate of sandwiches too, the sandwiches in a bag with ‘Callum’s Bakery’ printed on the paper. Tom has not opened the bag yet.
‘Cheese and pickle, just as you like them,’ Callum had said. He’d come from the shop. Left things just for a minute or two to check on how Tom was doing. Lillian said she would serve any customers there were until he got back. That’s what Callum said to Tom when the old man in his bed told him he should not stay too long.
Callum had opened the window a little to let in the air. He’d straightened the covers on Tom’s bed, too, and offered to fetch Doctor Kerr. ‘Just to check everything is ok.’
Tom had shook his head and put on a false cheeriness to reassure Callum.
‘I’ll drop in later then. At the end of the day and on my way home. Maybe bring you a strawberry tart or a doughnut ring?’ He winked when he said it.
‘Grand,’ said Tom.
Then Callum was gone again.
Tom looked at his watch. It was late afternoon. Outside he could hear the movement of heavy traffic on the street and Athol Stuart calling to Mad Martin to stand back from the road. A dog was barking too. And there was laughter. It sounded like Dodie Bredwell.
Tom wondered what day it was. All his days the same now. All running into one another. His nights, too. He could not sleep at night. Sat up in his chair in front of the television, watching shopping programmes and women in few clothes doing exercises on new machines. A cup of tea growing cold on the arm of his chair and a cigarette turning to ash in his fingers.
He should really stop the smoking. That’s what Marjory from the surgery had said. ‘There’s special plasters that can help these days,’ she’d told him. He laughed at the memory of it. Pictured himself wrapped like a mummy in plaster of Paris, his arms fixed to his sides so that he could not lift the lighted cigarette to the hole in the bandages where his mouth was. His laughing then set off the coughing again and the bloody curses rolled around in his mouth.
It made me think about my own smoking habits. It seems everywhere I turn these days, someone is chiding me to give up.
Thanks for that.
Glad you got something from the piece, William.
I thought you'd gone into hiding with all the attacks that have been made on you. It seems that now I am supposed to be mad and you are my schizophrenic alter ego!
Hiding? I have nothing to hide; on the contrary.
The comments I've seen are a bit confusing though, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be you, or you're supposed to be me, but if it's true, we must both be mad.
Both supposedly have the same IP, both use the word 'merely', both have the same phrasing,(LOL), and now both mad; what more evidence do they need?
Glad to see you have kept your sense of humour, William... hold on, didn't you say that about me somewhere, or something like that?
I don't think they are saying you are mad... just me... but you are part of my madness... sorry if you wanted to exist beyond my head, but apparently you are an invention of mine. I DO invent a lot of characters... never put a photograph to what I invented before, but I guess I am clever enough to do that.
All this would be funny if it didn't hurt so much to have so many other people thinking such bad things about me. I have never been a 'bad guy' before and I don't really feel comfortable in those clothes... and to have lies invented against me... and now to make you part of my lie.
I a;most wish someone would sue me so the truth can be established... and we can see who really lies.
Wouldn't mind if that Doug Cheadle girl was unmasked too... I have a few ideas there.
But I am trying now to see the world as a good place and to be more positive... this has all gone on far too long.
Both now acknowledge a sense of humour; case closed I think!
William, I see that you have set up your own blog. I am not sure that this will help the debate or do much to prove that you are not me. But I like the jewellery.
I am interested in something... how come you believe my side so readily when so many others have simply turned against me? I know I speak the truth in what I have written, and at first I expected others to see that in everything I have posted on this blog... However, my greatest surprise has been that people (aside from a few publicly and a few more privately) have not spoken out more loudly against my accusers. JS in particular, because she seems to set her cap against others and goes for them publicly and nastily... as she did with a 'friend' earlier this week. And people just don't seem to see what is going on. So why is it you have spoken out on my behalf?
(and to the two individuals who have e-mailed me today in response to this post, thank you. I can understand why you wish to remain in the shadows.)
Probably because I'm not a "member" of this community, I have been able to keep an open mind and come to a conclusion through logic and reasoning. The side I have taken isn't based on personality or loyalties, it's based on what has been said on both sides; the allegations made and the defence of those allegations, if more people were to actually do as much research as I have,and disregard loyalties to one side or the other they'd come to the same conclusion. If I'd thought you were wrong, I would have sided with Jane,Vanessa, and all the others.
You say you wish they'd just sue you, so you could prove them wrong in court, well that ain't going to happen. They haven't got a case, and it's because they haven't got a case, that you're getting all this bullsh*t instead!
I knew I'd taken the right side, but Jane and Doug's lies about our IP addresses, was like getting a thumbs-up from them. No amount of reasoning and logic can explain to me her motives for doing that; I am after all, a nobody!
It is good to have someone sensible commenting on all of this. But you still have not really answered my question... why is it you have gone to so much trouble for someone whose case you simply stumbled in on? I am glad that you did, but puzzled, too.
Today, I visited again the Doug Cheadle site. Aside from one comment by Nicola Morgan (who does not take sides on the issue and who simply says enough is enough now) there are no comments that are anything other than anonymous or Jane or Doug Cheadle. There is one from Brian or Barry, but if you check it out, it has no link to any blog or site; there is one from Emma, too, and the same is true for that. So, in effect, the whole site could be a conversation with one person taking on different disguises. I am afraid that I find the level of dishonesty in all of this very hard to believe.
And DC said something on the site of a visitor to my blog, that revealed how very bad 'sh'e has been behind the scenes. I cannot yet blog in detail about this except to say that I have further evidence of JS and Doug Cheadle's complicity and further proof of their malice.
I see that your site. William, now has had more visitors than Doug Cheadle's site. I am not sure how to take that. I want people to see what is going on with Jane Smith and Doug Cheadle and how they are 'Women Behaving Badly'!
"why is it you have gone to so much trouble"
What trouble? Purely from a point of interest, I clearly had read more about this subjet than the majority who had left comments, so I felt I had every right to leave a comment too. To do so required me to open an account; no problem it's free, quick and easy.
As for my Blog, (JS&DC Lied.?), that is as much in defence of me and my right to exist, as it is in defence of you.
I said to my girlfriend yesterday, if Douglas created me, then he must have created my ex-wives too; and for that Douglas, I can never forgive you!
I see you are still exhibiting that sense of humour we both have.
You say ex-wives, plural... then you are surely not as young as you appear in your picture? The differences between us I flagged up somewhere as location (you in England me in Scotland), and your young age compared to mine. With so many wives you must be old in spirit at least. Now it will be your location and your marital track record that is different from mine! I am still on my first wife...
But enough of this silliness. Thanks a lot for your input to all of this. I do value sense and diligence... and you have shown both in your understanding of this Jane smith and her pals.
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