Monday, 22 February 2010

So Far This Year

Unlike last year, I have not set myself a target for the number of words I will write in 12 months. No 365 flashes and three stories a month. I am not trying anymore to complete high numbers of small pieces to show I can do it. Instead, I have several biggish projects on the go and getting them to some sort of completion is the primary aim.

However, so far this year I have written 5 new short stories, so I am quite pleased with that and not a little surprised. One of them is a flash fiction piece that has grown into something quite neat and something quite a bit stronger than the flash.

I have also almost drawn to a conclusion my children's novel... should be done and dusted over the Easter school break. And Port Brokeferry rattles on (almost 20,000 words of the project has been posted on this site already and there's still plenty more to go!). This summer I want to get the adult novel started. Of course, all of this has to be juggled around the full-time job, which is why the holidays are so valuable to me.

Yes, I am feeling quite positive about the writing and how it is going. It helps that I have just had a short story accepted by a good publication, too - more on this when it is printed. This was also a flashed piece which had to have more room to do it full justice.

And feeling so positive, I wish EVERYONE coming here the very best with your writing.

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