Jane Smith lies. I have said this already and been accused of libel. Now, it seems, there is proof.
I have always admitted that as far as technology is concerned I am a bit dim. That I have a blog is something of an accomplishment. Doing anything other than the basics on my blog requires that I get help.
Last year a catastrophic computer hardrive meltdown saw me lose a lot of my work. I recall that Jane Smith from ‘How Publishing Really Works’ publicly suggested that I do this or that to save my work – but it was too late… so much was irrevocably lost. I have seen Jane Smith give others technical advice of this kind, so she is someone who is at least familiar with technology.
So, when the same Jane Smith recently claimed that someone called William Shears and myself shared an IP address, not only did I not know what an IP address was, but I bet many people were equally in the dark and believed that she was right and believed that William Shears was my alter ego. That’s what Jane Smith claimed: William is Douglas Bruton and Douglas Bruton is William. She then jumped from this to a public sympathetic concern for my mental health. Jane Smith sounds like she is a genuinely a nice woman. She thinks I am a gifted writer and says so in several public places; she professes to be wanting to help me; she says she wishes me all the best as a writer. But Jane Smith lies. And the lies are huge. And I don’t know what you do with someone who lies so publicly, so aggressively and so maliciously.
If you visit William Shears' blog (I have put the address at the tail end of this post) you will find someone talking more knowledgeably about IP addresses and proving that both Doug Cheadle and Jane Smith have lied about William and me and IP addresses. Why would they do that when they seem so nice and helpful and trustworthy? Doug Cheadle actually says he is trying to help me on the blog he has set up – sound familiar? They lie because they are not what they seem. They want others to think of them as honest – tell a few truths and then tell a few lies and no one will know the difference. They lie because that is what they think they can get away with. They lie out of malice. They lie to hurt me. At least in this matter they do. They maybe also lie to harm others too.
Doug Cheadle steals my stories and hangs them up on a site that is designed to harm me and my reputation. He says he does it to be fair and to give people the chance to make their own judgements, but then he seeks to discredit anyone who comments in my favour; now he even blocks those people and engineers a whole series of anonymous comments on the blog to stack things against me. And he lies. Jane Smith works closely with Doug Cheadle, both support each other’s statements. They have both manufactured this IP address lie. They both visit other blogs, supposedly to protect other writers from ‘evil’ me, but in reality they do all of this to do me the maximum harm. There are lies threaded through everything that they say and do. They are keeping this whole thing going. They both want me to publicly admit what I have done and to apologise and then move on. They would both like that; that would vindicate their position and give the semblance of truth to their lies.
Doug Cheadle yesterday gave me the opportunity to explain what I think would constitute plagiarism. I have added a relevent comment to his blog, but he has chosen not to publish it. Even though it speaks some sense on the matter. He said he was giving me an opportunity. And that he was again trying to help me. I will publish my comment here if he does not publish my comment by the weekend.
Doug Cheadle and Jane Smith lie and now there is proof positive that they lie. This is something I have said for some time. It is the tip of the iceberg. Their whole reason for blogging about me is not to protect others, or to help me… it is to harm me. I have already blogged about why Jane Smith would want to harm me; Doug Cheadle, because he is an anonymous creation, I cannot with any certainty say why he wants to harm me – either Doug Cheadle is Jane Smith, or one of her friends, or someone I have harmed in this debate, or the writer who feels aggrieved at my story having been inspired by hers. Whoever this Doug Cheadle is, what is clear is that he has a very big reason for expending so much energy in attacking me and for telling lies about me and a reason for being cruel and malicious towards me, and a vested interest in seeing me harmed. Doug Cheadle is not an interested bystander. Doug Cheadle is a part of all this and he is also a coward in continuing to hide behind this anonymous name.
What now?
My name is mud - at least on the internet it is. Jane Smith and ‘friends’ have been busy writing to publishers and competition organisers and judges, to tell them that I am bad news. What can a good person do against the malice and lies of these bloggers? I would welcome suggestions.
(I don't want to create another blog post on this matter so I am adding a postscript to this one. Today I let it be known on another blog that I was going to report Doug Cheadle's blog for copyright infringement. Someone had kindly and anonymously pointed out how I could do that. So I did. Then, within a few hours, Doug Cheadle's site had had my name removed from it and was only accessible by invitation only. In effect it was closed down. Whether Doug Cheadle did this (running scared) or whether it was officially shut down, I do not know. What I do know is that it is down and that is just the start. Now I know all about this abuse button, I will look into what else I can do. So to the anonymous person who helped me: thank you.)
I always knew you weren't mental.
I do have my moments, William.
What i knew was you weren't me!
And that Jane and Doug Cheadle were lying.
If I were you I'd just let it go, because there's enough information out there that people can decide one way or the other. I am a Mormon, which is a church that is constantly being accused of all kinds of falsehoods, lies and accusations and threats are always coming into church headquarters. If I were to get online and read everything negative about Mormons, it would take me all day. If I were to respond to these accusations, it would drive me insane and do not one lick of good. This is why a person or organization that's being accused of things has to draw the line at some point to avoid being dragged through the mud. My advice, since you asked, is to let it go, move on, and blog about something else.
Now someone is saying I am Doug Cheadle!! The world has most definitely flipped.
To all Jane's friends: I am sorry that she has lied. That will be a difficult thing for a friend to hear. But that she has lied is now plain to see. Doug Cheadle, too. All that stuff about IP addresses was a lie. Once you see that then you have to see that there is only one reason for that lie: Jane Smith wants to harm me.
Even if you think my stories in question overstep the acceptable mark, you would have to concede that they were not obvious examples of plagiarism. Even doug cheadle says there was no malice intended in the production of my work. So why all this blackballing of me and all this harm thrown up on public blogs? You cannot but see the malice.
I am sorry, but this is true.
Karen, it is hard to let it go when they keep at it with their lies... see the new ones on your blog saying I am this Doug Cheadle now and I set the whole thing up to discredit Jane Smith... it is pure crazy.
If they would just now leave me alone to do my writing and to live my writer's life, then it would be easy to let this go. But they sneak behind my back and undermine my actual successes. I have not blogged about this, but their cruelty knows no bounds... I am horrified that people could be so nasty.
Isn't there any chance of taking legal action? Surely, it's a punishable offence to write and spread malicious lies about other people and to steal their stories? (I know it is in Sweden.)
Dear Carol
thanks for dropping by again. Yes, I think it would be possible to take legal action against so many people involved in this. At worst they would have to remove the offending pages. At best I'd get a public apology and my costs covered... not much more... maybe damages which would be hard to calculate here and probably wouldn't amount to very much as I do not make a living from writing. Unfortunately two things mitigate me taking this sort of action:
1) It would initially cost me money to take such action and I do not have that sort of money.
2) I am really not that kind of person - not really malicious and not aggressive. It took a lot of time and lot of prodding by VG and JS (almost seven months) to get me to respond by naming my attackers on this blog. And though I have been quite blunt in posts since January, blunt in calling a spade a spade with regard to the malice and the lies of individuals involved, each post has cost me personally. I really am most uncomfortable with this kind of 'conversation'.
But, thanks for bringing this up.
Hope your writing is going well.
Best wishes
Stranger still: I have just tried to get onto Doug Cheadle's site to see if he has posted up my most recent comment and it is now only accessible by invitation. It has my name in the title of the blog and my name as the owner of the blog (even though I am not the owner) and I cannot get onto the site!
What can be going on now? What level of deceit have we now sunk to?
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