Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Day Twenty-four

(For more information on my 'April Challenge' see HERE)


Someone stole Hettie’s cup. The one she loved. The only one. That’s what she said. Not borrowed or forgot to return it. They stole it. And she narrowed her eyes and her lips tightened to a shut purse and she wished the world ill. And we all suffered Hettie’s loss.


There’s something George looks forward to. Back from the sun and the sea and the sand, and all those days folding into one another, and no thought of work for a week; but coming back and George looks forward to a decent cup of tea and from his own cup.


‘I’m not myself,’ Brandon said. ‘Not in the morning. Not right away. Not until I’ve had my first cup. And it must be Tetley’s: four minutes in the pot before pouring, a little skimmed milk in first, two sugars.’ Till then, his words were all jagged and hard and thrown.


I thought Carmel’d like it. The curtains still closed and the light of day soft-filtered into the room and the radio turned low and set to her favourite channel. And I made her a cup of tea. In her favourite cup and just the way she likes it. But no!


There’s a cup Albert prefers. Has grown to love. He thinks the tea tastes different in that cup, even though the rim is chipped, the pattern eaten away by the dishwasher and too harsh a detergent. Brenda doesn’t know. She buys him a new cup, gets rid of the old.

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